Tag: big data

  • The problem with Big Data is not the Data

    There is a seemingly irrational obsession about how BIG your Big Data has to be before a magical unicorn appears and delivers the answers your business needs. Not a day goes by where I don’t see some swanky infographic reminding me that Facebook collects several Yottabytes of data every day. Ok, so I may have embellished that a…

  • What Netflix knows about you and why it’s a lesson to others…

    There has been recent a flurry of articles about Netflix and how they are analysing user behaviour and habits to enhance the recommendations they make. Last week Mohammed Sabah (Senior Data Scientist @ Netflix) presented at Hadoop Summit in San Jose describing some of the ways they do this and the impact of making good recommendations – measurable…

  • Surviving the 1st Global Data Science Hackathon

    If you haven’t heard already, this week is BigDataWeek – a coordinated set of community events around the globe to bring like-minded Data Geeks together. One of the most exciting developments is the announcement of the 1st Global Data Science Hackathon.  Starting on Saturday and running for 24 hours competitors around the global will be vying to better predict the Air Quality…