

Michael Cutler

Fractional CTO
AI & Web3 Expert

About Me

I architect cutting-edge AI and Web3 solutions that bridge today’s tech with tomorrow’s innovations

Championing innovation in Web3 and AI: Crafting pioneering solutions to transform customer experiences and reshape industry standards

Dedicated to the progression of AI and web3 technologies, I am currently engaged in close collaborations with leading tech partners for privileged access to nascent services, and a guest lecturer at SMU.Employing emerging technologies to tackle Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) challenges, I play an active role in meaningful projects alongside development banks and NGOs.

I fulfill the role of a trusted technology advisor and angel investor for a range of startups within the Web3, AI, and ESG sectors. My efforts are instrumental in accelerating fundraising for several early-stage companies.

What I Do

Architecting Tomorrow’s Tech Landscape

AI Strategy

Crafting intelligent solutions that elevate businesses from data-driven to AI-powered, unlocking unprecedented efficiencies and insights.

Web3 Innovation​

Pioneering decentralized architectures that redefine trust, transparency, and value exchange in the digital realm.

Fractional CTO

Providing visionary tech leadership on-demand, helping startups and enterprises navigate the complex waters of emerging technologies with agility and foresight.