Category: Big Data

  • The problem with Big Data is not the Data

    There is a seemingly irrational obsession about how BIG your Big Data has to be before a magical unicorn appears and delivers the answers your business needs. Not a day goes by where I don’t see some swanky infographic reminding me that Facebook collects several Yottabytes of data every day. Ok, so I may have embellished that a…

  • Winning with Big Data – IBM Research

    Earlier today (10th August 2012) IBM Research (@IBMResearch) ran a webinar titled “Box Office to Front Office – Winning with Big Data in Sports & Entertainment“. It was split in two halves, one Entertainment focused and one more Sports focused. I tuned in primarily for; Todd Yellin, VP of Product Innovation, Netflix Ray Elias, CMO,…

  • It’s not how big your data is, it’s how you use it!



    Over the past couple of months I have met and talked to a lot of new and interesting people. Everywhere I go I encounter the same questions about Big Data, it’s like some sort of mass hysteria around what on the face of it is a simple concept “volumes of data”. Example questions; “How much…

  • Where are we on the Big Data hype cycle?

    At the moment it seems that every other day brings announcements of a new “Big Data” start-up, partnership, conference, report etc. Just about every man and his dog have made some form of press release related to “Big Data” recently. Every week I stumble across some “Big Data” relevant conference or event that I’ve just missed out…