Category: Uncategorised

  • Update: TI 7×21 FlashMedia/SD Host Controller (104C:8033 & 104C:8034)

    Bit of an update, my previous post is now getting a significant amount of traffic; in fact it’s my hottest post yet! Progress over at – I downloaded the latest revision of this driver and it appears to be going through re-structuring, still not-functional I am afraid. However, a month since contacting TI I…

  • Using MEncoder to convert a DVD to DivX

    More for my own benefit, but here goes… This is an example of using MEncoder (Windows version) to convert a DVD to DivX. The original movie was widescreen and is being rescaled here to 720×408 to keep the 16:9 aspect ratio. The video bitrate I used was 1024kbit but you can tweak this as desired.…

  • MediaCodeSpeedEdit tool for DVD-Writers by ala42

    Stumbled across this when trying to find out why my 16x DVD media wouldn’t burn at anything higher than 4x. Download your drive’s latest firmware, feed it into MediaCodeSpeedEdit and you can edit the burn speeds for all media the drive can recognise. Save the modified firmware and re-flash your drive with it. Pretty neat!…

  • Determine the number of open files in your program (C/C++)

    The code below will display the number of files open by the running process. It does this by getting the maximum file descriptor number and then iterating through each possible fd trying to do an ‘fstat’ on it. If errno returns anything other than EBADF ‘file descriptor is bad’ it increments a count. It is…

  • Time Synchronisation With Windows 2000 or XP

    If you’re running Windows 2000 or XP at home, it’s very unlikley that you have a ‘Primary Domain Controller’ to give you the time of day. 😉 Windows 2000 & XP has a built in “Windows Time” service that is also compatible with public SNTP Time Servers, all you need to do is configure it.…

  • Unicode? Character Sets? UTF-what?

    I was inspired to add this note after recent frustrations about the complete ignorance of character sets in both Commercial & Open software… I seriously recommend everyone reads the following, less ISO-blahblahblah and more UTF-8, no excuses! The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)

  • SSL Certificates Rant…

    It’s May; it’s coming to that time of the year where I have to update my SSL certificate again. As I did last year I had a good look round for an official SSL option. Since I only use it for accessing my own web-mail and a few other toys, I loath the thought of…