Month: June 2012

  • What Netflix knows about you and why it’s a lesson to others…

    There has been recent a flurry of articles about Netflix and how they are analysing user behaviour and habits to enhance the recommendations they make. Last week Mohammed Sabah (Senior Data Scientist @ Netflix) presented at Hadoop Summit in San Jose describing some of the ways they do this and the impact of making good recommendations – measurable…

  • Fear, uncertainty and doubt about Cloud



    Since the rise of the Cloud phenomenon there has always been grumbles about the security of data stored within it and data accessible over Cloud-based solutions. Naturally big-name vendors have capitalised upon this fear, uncertainty and doubt by portraying Cloud as being powered by cheap-and-nasty server hardware prone to failure, and managed by spotty teenagers or cowboys. It’s not…

  • Where are we on the Big Data hype cycle?

    At the moment it seems that every other day brings announcements of a new “Big Data” start-up, partnership, conference, report etc. Just about every man and his dog have made some form of press release related to “Big Data” recently. Every week I stumble across some “Big Data” relevant conference or event that I’ve just missed out…

  • Reaction to: Raspberry Pi impressions: the $35 Linux computer and tinker toy (Engadget)

    This Engadget article by Terrence O’Brien (@TerrenceOBrien) is a little underwhelming. It has all the writing style and voice I’m accustomed to reading on Engadget – where they’re normally dissecting the latest shiny piece of hardware from Apple, Samsung etc. However the Raspberry Pi was never intended for iPhone-totting news editors; its original purpose was…