Month: July 2011

  • Bye bye Slicehost… Hello Host Virtual

    Recently I was ranting about Slicehost being assimilated by Rackspace and how bleak its future seems.  I have a few virtual machines hosted by Slicehost and tried out Rackspace to see what I was in for.  Deeply saddened by their service I started looking for a new home. Linode looked promising at first – native…

  • NGINIX on a 256MB VM slice ~24,000 TPS

    This post is a bit of a brain-dump detailing exactly how/what/why, if you just want the juicy bits skip to the bottom 😉 I’ve been a loyal user of the Apache Web Server for some 10 years.  Working on everything from custom server modules (in C) all the way through to bog-standard use cases like…