Month: March 2006

  • Patch to mod_evasive to enhance reporting

    This morning I took the opportunity to install mod_evasive on my Apache Web Server after being hammered by zombies last night. Quote from []: mod_evasive is an evasive maneuvers module for Apache to provide evasive action in the event of an HTTP DoS or DDoS attack or brute force attack. It is also designed to…

  • Fedora Core 5 on VMWare 5.5

    Fedora Core 5 was released yesterday, I attempted to upgrade my existing Fedora Core 4 installation in VMWare Workstation 5.5.0 and encountered a problem. Fedora isn’t automatically detecting the VMWare SCSI device, it presents a warning that there were no hard drives were detected. I found you can resolve this by manually adding the BusLogic…

  • Analysis of Spamming Zombie Botnets

    Since writing my SpamKit Plugin I have been keeping a keen eye on the comment/trackback spam subject and have guinea pig’d my ideas on my own blog. Recently I noticed a distinct change in the sophistication of comment-spammers. The early comment-spammers were using very basic HTTP clients, mostly without thinking about what’s going on ‘under…

  • RC4/ARCFOUR Implementation in PHP

    I wrote this RC4/ARCFOUR implementation in PHP – based on the original C source code posted on usenet in 1994. The rc4() call itself is completely self-contained, two other methods rc4_test() and rc4_benchmark() have been provided for testing and are optional. My motivation for writing it was to replace the dependency on MCrypt in my…

  • Update: TI 7×21 FlashMedia/SD Host Controller (104C:8033 & 104C:8034)

    Bit of an update, my previous post is now getting a significant amount of traffic; in fact it’s my hottest post yet! Progress over at – I downloaded the latest revision of this driver and it appears to be going through re-structuring, still not-functional I am afraid. However, a month since contacting TI I…