JSSHTunnel 0.0.0 Released!

JSSHTunnel is a lightweight GUI application which forwards local & remote ports over SSH connections. It is written in Java and uses Eclipse SWT & JSch. All you need is a JVM to run it.
I’ve released version 0.0.0, it is under GPL.
Features & Limitations in 0.0.0:

  • Targetted at Windows platform, comes with a Windows-based installer, other platforms will follow
  • Resides in the System Tray when minimised
  • Requires a 1.4 or 1.5 JVM on the target machine (works with the Sun & Microsoft JVM’s)
  • Currently only supports one connection, with a single local forward (hey, its only a proof of concept release)
  • Connection details (including passwords) are stored in plaintext form in its XML configuration file %USERPROFILE%\.jsshtunnel.xml
  • Since its just the very first release it is quite basic, but it works 😛
  • Screenshots:
    Screenshot of the Main Window
    Main Window
    Screenshot of the Configuration Window
    Configuration Window

  • Multiple connections each with multiple local & remote forwards
  • Hot-pluggable port forwarding rules without having to re-connect
  • Cross platform UI & command line versions
  • Encrypted passwords for configuration file

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