About Me

Hi! I’m Michael Cutler!

I invent things :o)

Before starting TUMRA, I was a senior researcher in the R&D labs for British Sky Broadcasting, inventing new technologies and solutions for everything from Satellite and Video systems through to Web-based applications. In this role I also mentored several other researchers, was named on several patents and acted as a trusted adviser to key members of the Sky’s Executive Team.

Some of my more recent notable achievements include inventing ‘enhanced HTTP Live Streaming’ to deliver a video timeshifting user experience to the Sky News iPad application, and creating the “world’s biggest Sky+ box” as a real-time broadcast monitoring and recording system capable of recording the entire satellite transmission for a rolling period of seven days (~256TB).

First discovering Hadoop back in 2008, I have been following the bleeding edge of Hadoop development and the ecosystem of tools surrounding it, and have applied it to solve real-world problems in large enterprise.

Random facts about me :-

  • used to play the B♭ bass (Tuba) and performed onstage at the Sydney Opera House in 1996,
  • live in the leafy borough of Richmond upon Thames with my partner Miriam and our two cats,
  • I’m a keen amateur astronomer / astrophotographer,
  • I’m renowned for ‘doing’ more than ‘talking’ and enjoy showcasing live demos of working prototypes instead of boring old presentations.