Month: November 2011

  • lm-sensors on Ganglia

    Ganglia has a great little utility called gmetric that allows you to report on anything you like.  Abusing this feature combined with a simple shell script I was able to get CPU Temperatures from lm-sensors into my pretty graphs on Ganglia. Original credit goes here.  

  • Hadoop Hack: TaskTracker priority

    Changing the ‘niceness‘ of only one type of daemon While recently playing with our cluster during a Terasort benchmark I realised just how dumb it was to leave everything running with the default level of niceness (0).  SSH sessions were timing out, reporting was going haywire, al-sorts of fun. I know the Cloudera CDH3 distribution allows you to set a…

  • Revolution R on CentOS 6

    One of the most interesting talks I attended at Hadoop World was by Revolution Analytics.  A couple of months ago they released a set of open-source packages to Github which marries their ‘R’ statistical programming language to the power of Hadoop.  As well as running R programs across Map/Reduce it includes support to work with…