Site Update: NGINX, CloudFront, Hadoop World, AI Class


It’s been a few weeks since I last posted… I’ve migrated this site to a new home and done a bit of spring cleaning. You can expect more interesting analysis of social media data shortly. I’ve compiled quite a bit lately just because I started capturing data and then forgot to switch it off!

In other news;

  • This site is now powered entirely by
    NGINX, previously it was running on a standard Apache (LAMP) stack.
    Performance is great, its the network interface that’s maxing out,
    not the CPU.
  • Most of the static content on the site
    is now delivered through Amazon’s CloudFront CDN service. It’s
    trivial to set up and alleviates the load from my main server for
    boring bits like CSS and Images.
  • In celebration of my love for coffee
    I’ve created a “vanity IPv6 address”
    2a01:348:112:0:cafe:cafe:cafe:cafe for this site. Even with 2128
    I suggest you get in quick and make your own! There’s only
    so many words you can make using hexadecimal: feed, dead, beef etc. 😉
  • I’m talking at Hadoop World on Tuesday
    8th November in New York City. They’ve put me in the
    “Data Scientists” track (woot!), I’m talking about some of
    my recent experience playing with Hadoop + Mahout.
  • Along with about 160,000 other people –
    I am taking part in the AI Class being run by Stanford University.
    It’s week three and we are up to Machine Learning already, really
    interesting to revisit this stuff and ties in nicely to the stuff
    I’ve been doing with Mahout.

Going forward I’m planning to post smaller nuggets of wisdom more frequently rather than waiting weeks at a time to finish that epic post-of-the-month. I’m also looking at moving code snippets, useful shell-scripts and other bits and pieces to the Gist service from GitHub.

Lastly, I have several exciting little side-projects I’m planning to talk about shortly, stay tuned!


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