Fedora Core 5 on VMWare 5.5

Fedora Core 5 was released yesterday, I attempted to upgrade my existing Fedora Core 4 installation in VMWare Workstation 5.5.0 and encountered a problem.
Fedora isn’t automatically detecting the VMWare SCSI device, it presents a warning that there were no hard drives were detected. I found you can resolve this by manually adding the BusLogic device during setup.
See the following sequence of screenshots.
1. Default Boot Screen
Installation Boot Screen
2. Warning Message “No hard drives have been found.”
3. List of Automatically Detected Devices
Detected Drivers
4. Manually Selecting the “BusLogic MultiMaster SCSI” Driver
Add Device
5. List of Detected Devices now including the BusLogic Driver
Drivers List
After doing this everything installed normally, Good Luck!!


68 responses to “Fedora Core 5 on VMWare 5.5”

  1. why my fc5 download so slow? TOO BAD!

  2. Try downloading it using BitTorrent, the torrents for it are at http://torrent.fedoraproject.org/. There are more than 200 seeders for each of the DVD ISO’s … I am one of them at the moment.

  3. Funny you just posted this. I have been attempting all morning to get it installed on my copy of VMWare. It was a no go everytime, until I “built” the machine using using custom settings. I must have chosen the buslogic (lucky guess), and it is installing fine as I type. Good to know why.

  4. Chris avatar

    I’ve also been working all morning trying to figure out why my VM hardware was not working for Fedora. Thanks a lot. Good Luck.

  5. Andrea avatar

    Thank you very much for your solution, i had the same problem but now work it !!
    chers !

  6. Ally avatar

    Cheers, much appreciated that you put this solution up. Likely saved me hours of work, found your article straight away.

  7. John avatar

    Thank You very much. Help me out alot. 🙂

  8. Tony Antonucci avatar
    Tony Antonucci

    Your the man. I was just about to resort to Core 4, when I found your solution. I am in the middle of Core 5 install as we speak.

  9. Have you been able to install vmware tools on fc5?

  10. Andrew avatar

    I had a problem installing Fedora 5 on VMWare, found this site, problem gone – thankyou 🙂

  11. Alejandro avatar

    Hi, I was also trying to install Fedora C5 in VMWare5, but no success, until I found this – Thanks for the information.

  12. FIlip avatar

    Thanx a lot. It hepled!

  13. Paul C avatar
    Paul C

    ditto. thanks ^_^

  14. tomling avatar

    Thanks, helped a lot.

  15. Grant avatar

    Thanks for the info!!

  16. BMAN avatar

    Thanks, that’s exactly what I was looking for.

  17. denis avatar

    FC5 Install OK, But cannot boot
    VMware 4.5, upgrading FC3 to FC5
    With is procedure the Fc5 installation goees fine. But then FC5 does boot:
    No volume groups found
    Unable to find volume group “VolGroup00”
    unable to access sesume device (/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01)
    mont: could not find filesystem ‘/dev/root’
    Kernel panic – not syncing: ….
    what I did:
    1) use linux rescue, again select buslogic, it mounts properly my system on /mnt/sysimage
    chroot /mnt/sysimage
    add in /etc/modprobe.conf
    alias scsi-hostadapter1 mptspi
    alias scsi-hostadapter mptsi
    rebuild kernel
    modify grub.conf

    title fedora Core (2.6.15-prep)
    root (hd0,0)
    kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.15-prep ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 rhgb hdc=ide-scsi quiet
    initrd /initrd-2.6.15-prep.img
    2) I also added in the vmware configuration file
    scsi.0.virtualDev = “buslogic”
    no success yet …
    thank’s for your help

  18. denis avatar

    Finally …
    I recompiled the kernel again, but moving the buslogic and a few other modules to the kernel core … and it boot now
    Is it that I upgraded 3-> 5, but many applications are now correctely installed:
    up2date, package updater package installer even nedit does not find a library …. well i’ll solve these issues, but
    FC5 is not up to the level of previous releases

  19. denis avatar

    in my previous comment you should read “NOT correctly installed” .. Sorry

  20. apex avatar

    I was having this problem as well. I selected the buslogic scsidriver and it’s working great now. thanks.

  21. IPV6 avatar

    Your suggestion to get around the harddrive issue worked flawlessly. Very helpful! Thank you!

  22. Liam avatar

    Why do you imagine this isn’t in the release notes for VMWare server?

  23. Simone avatar

    Thank you very much for this hint!

  24. Scott avatar

    Great suggestions – it worked flawlessly for me as well. Thanks, Scott

  25. Just attempted the install as well. I googled Fedora Core 5 on Vmware and it brought me to your site. Thanks for the help.

  26. SP:-) avatar

    Thanks for the workaround!

  27. Rob Owen avatar
    Rob Owen

    Thanks a lot.
    I was having same problem.
    Works perfectly with this workaround.

  28. ubergoober avatar

    Fixed it, awesome. Funny how this was a top match on google, but VMWare didn’t rank (or even have a solution for all I know).
    Good job and thanks.

  29. DaveP avatar

    YES! Buslogic is the answer! Thanks for the tip. You ROCK!

  30. benhadad avatar

    Has anyone loaded the VMTOOLs under FC5? I have been hitting my head against the wall trying to get the source downloaded and reconized by vmware-config-tools.pl I loaded the compiler and downloaded the source but don’t know which directory to give it.

  31. Souch From Paris - France avatar
    Souch From Paris – France

    Well done, thanks for this Help for vmware users 🙂

  32. Curt L avatar
    Curt L

    Thank you very much for this info. Fixed me right up. I really do appreciate it.

  33. anthony avatar

    Thanks Michael, problem sorted!

  34. jason avatar

    hahha exactly same problem 😀 i figured it out and saw this post so i was liek hey lets try but i was treying to install win server 2003 so now i tryed fedora again on the guest win srvr 2003 and it worked without had to choose for an driver 😀

  35. I’ve writed an equivalent how-to in Italian and I’ve linked you at

  36. dante avatar

    Thanks a lot!
    Should have looked it up earlier instead of messing around…
    I thought it’s my bloody Dell…;-)

  37. Hola!
    Esto es justamente lo que me pasaba con mi Dell Inspiron 6400 y por m�s que buscaba en google no encontraba la respuesta.
    Muchas gracias por la soluci�n, me est� funcionando a la perfecci�n.
    Saludos desde Chile.

  38. 张理 avatar

    Thank you very much !

  39. Dreamer avatar

    Thank’s a lot man!

  40. Paul Lukas avatar
    Paul Lukas

    The links below contain the Fedora Core 5 2.6.17 VMWare image.
    [editorial snip, the VMWare Player images can be downloaded directly from thoughtpolice.co.uk]
    This VMWare image was originally downloaded from http://www.thoughtpolice.co.uk and was patched with the latest updates.
    VMWare tools are installed.

  41. steve avatar

    thanks for posting this- red hat work great now

  42. Amir avatar

    I also want to join the cangratulaters – you also saved me ALOT of time. thanks you!!!!!

  43. Thank you I will try it today but it looks like it will work right away.

  44. turlach avatar

    Re-install from the beginning and choose IDE instead of SCSI in the initial configuration and it should work fine.

  45. Ivan avatar

    Thanks for your help! You saved me hours of tests!

  46. Finally! Thanks…

  47. so good ,I just do it . Thanks

  48. “5. List of Detected Devices now including the BusLogic Driver”
    It did not work with me. Is that because I have a SATA drive installed?
    Please help me. I cannot get Fedora 5 installed as a virtual Linux computer.

  49. u save me some time troubleshooting. im glad i googled it before install to see if there are known issues. owe you a beer in 2nd life.

  50. Thanks a lot, worked like a charm and saved me a lot of time. Still behaves that way in 5.5.2 VMWare.

  51. kieran moore avatar
    kieran moore

    I tested syllable on vmware which worked, where did you get .vmx file of fedora 5

  52. Tory avatar

    Thanks for this fix! It worked perfectly!

  53. mcope avatar

    this was great advice, just what i needed. gracias

  54. Fabrice avatar

    Work well for a new install,
    Thanks a lot.
    I just wonder what where the install options for a upgrade FC4 to FC5.
    Anyone knows ?

  55. Syed avatar

    HI, can ny1 help me here ,my fedora core-5 is installed in the computer but i’m unable to access it.when i start my computer and start fedora core -5 operating system it goes u p to 30% and then stuck every time.
    is this problem related to my Windiws XP because similar problem is coming with MATLAB too(i.e MATLAB too is installed like fedora core-5 but i’m unable to access it.)

  56. archi avatar

    Thanks a lot !

  57. Gordon avatar

    Thanks – just what I needed to know!

  58. Henning avatar

    Great work – and the buslogic workaround even works on Fedora 6 Test2 !

  59. Thanks for this, saved me a shed load of ball ache! Much appreciated!!

  60. Thanks for this – I only just got VMware today, and boy was I confused when Fedora didn’t find the virtual drive!

  61. Thank you very much~!! 🙂

  62. Sanjay Kumar avatar
    Sanjay Kumar

    Thank you very much~!!

  63. Bruno de Oliveira avatar
    Bruno de Oliveira

    Thanks Michael for the tip, now I can install with Bus Logic and LSI Logic
    Great tip
    thanks again!

  64. Patricio avatar

    Thank you very very much Michael. Whith your suggestion all works fine. Thanks again!!! Regards.

  65. Kevin avatar

    Duuuuuuude. Thanks man that did the trick.

  66. Just wanted to say thanks – adding that adapter made it work 🙂

  67. Many thanks for this very useful piece of info.

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