Month: February 2006
GoogleBot Experiment Success!
A month has past since I made a change to my WordPress templates to experiment with Google bot (see previous post) and I can proudly report that it works like a charm. My original problem was that Google was returning search results pointing to index-style pages on my Blog instead of the post’s themselves. These…
Using sshdfilter to secure an SSH server
Since moving my OpenSSH server down to its standard port number I have been hit daily by service scanning software and brute force password attacks. Gerry pointed out that sshdfilter can help. sshdfilter blocks the frequent brute force attacks on ssh daemons, it does this by directly reading the sshd logging output and generating iptables…
Brute force password attacks on Linux over SSH
This is one of the main reasons I hate running SSH on the standard port numbers, every day I get log-alerts like these. As per usual I notify the originating ISP, at least I have an email template for it. Failed logins from these: invalid user abdul (password) from 203.98.XXX.XXX: 2 Time(s) invalid user abort…
Sitecom CN-502 USB Bluetooth Dongle works on Linux
To my absolute surprise, the Sitecom CN-502 USB Bluetooth Dongle works perfectly with out-of-the-box Fedora Core 4 x86_64. The lsusb output shows it’s a Cambridge Silicon Radio chip (0a12:0001) which is very widely used and well supported. I bought this thing some time ago because of its protruding aerial; my original intention was to dismantle…